Post Treatment Instructions – Completed Root Canal Treatment

Long-Lasting Smiles

For a printed copy of instructions, Click Here

Your root canal is now completed.  The canal or canals have been sealed and nature must now have time to repair the damage that the original irritant produced.  Do not chew on the tooth until all the tenderness is gone.  Although the roots are permanently sealed, the outer surface is filled with temporary cement, which is hard and may last for many weeks.  It is advisable to see your regular dentist within a month to restore the tooth permanently.  Current research has shown that even newly sealed root canals will be totally contaminated with bacteria if the temporary filling is missing for over three weeks.  A final restoration (crown, onlay, filling) will give the tooth its necessary protection.  A letter and copy of your final x-ray will be sent to your general dentist.  Please contact your general dentist to schedule your permanent restoration.

Upon special request from your general dentist, a permanent filling may be placed at our office before you return to your general dentist.

Discomfort may be alleviated by taking Ibuprofen 200 mg x 4 (800 mg) every 8 hours, or aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol) as directed.  Please take any antibiotics prescribed because that will alleviate any discomfort as well.  ALL MEDICATIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH FOOD.  Warm salt-water rinses may also help.  (1/2 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of water)  Should you experience discomfort that cannot be controlled with the above medications or prescribed medications, and should swelling develop PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE YOU WERE TREATED AT:

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